Hey guys today I am going to share a simple and tasty Cheese sandwich recipe with mayonnaise, butter and grated cheese as the delectable bread spread. Add vegetables, crumbled paneer as filing for the Cheese sandwich.
Preparation Time: 4-5 minutes
Cooking Time:
4-5 minutes
  • 4 slices of bread

  • 2 cheese slices

  • 1/2 onion, chopped

  • 2 tsp finely chopped coriander (dhania) leaves

  • 1/2 cup boiled mixed vegetables (carrots, beans, peas) (optional)

  • 1/2 tomato, chopped

  • 1 tsp ghee or butter for cooking

  • pepper powder (according to taste)

  • salt (according to taste)

  • 1/2 tsp finely chopped green chilies

  • a little melted butter for brushing the sandwiches

  1. Cook together the onion, tomato, vegetables, coriander (dhania), green chilies, salt and pepper in a little amount of ghee for 3 minute.
  2. Divide the filling into two equal parts.
  3. Now take 1 slice of bread, place one slice of cheese, one portion of filling in between the cheese slice, then place another bread slice on the top.
  4. Brush a little melted butter on each sandwich and toast it in a sandwich maker till golden brown or crisp.
  5. Repeat the same with the other sandwich.
  6. Cut each sandwich into 2 triangles and serve hot.
  7. Serve with green chutney or tomato ketchup.
Hope you like this recipe and enjoy it with your family.


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